How can a Management Consultant benefit your not-for-profit organization?

Not-for-profit executives: Is it time to assess your organization’s vision and mission, its processes for implementation, your models and metrics for measurement of your performance, and your resilience in addressing unexpected, unmet needs? 

Are you prepared to engage in strategic thinking to sustain, if not expand, your institution’s role in serving the economic, social, educational and spiritual needs of your constituents, if not also the community at large? Can you afford to conduct business as usual, and not devote some of your resources to remain on course? Can you aspire to greater achievements amid pandemics, changes in philanthropy practices; greater competition for nonprofit dollars, and an ever-changing landscape for doing business in your communities? 

 C-Level Management Consultants have the experience and mindset to collaboratively consider your organization’s past and present, to suggest revisions in methodology where appropriate, to add protocols if needed, and to persuasively advocate for support of any/all changes approved by the institution’s stakeholders.

Reflect Upon Your Goals & Objectives & Update Your Business Plan to Formulate a Clear and Concise Business Strategy

Does your vision and mission incorporate the interests and concerns of your stakeholders and the constituents served by your organization? Have your priorities changed? SRS Consulting works one-on-one with you to create or update a mission that inspires, and a business plan that is clear, efficient, and likely to produce more favorable outcomes.

Explore Financial Resources

Fundraising is a critical part of any not-for-profit enterprise. Dollars are needed not only to fund its programs, its services and the support of its beneficiaries, but also to operate the business (i.e., its overhead expenses). Have you found it difficult to raise enough dollars? Do the programs and services providers who depend upon your support face unmet needs due to the lack of sufficient revenues? Have you diversified your revenue streams, and do you have the human resources needed to make each income source a value-added part of your revenue generation? Has your Board taken responsibility for its role in the acquisition of current and future contributions? Are you relying upon special events and your long-time supporters as the only means of generating income?

 SRS Consulting can help devise a business plan devoted to increasing income through multiple revenue streams. Success will depend upon a commitment from your campaign professionals, members of your Board and your volunteers to engage in fundraising, as well as a commitment from management to utilize metrics and models to measure performance and outcomes.

Community Outreach & Engagement

Today, success is often defined not only by the programs and services you provide to your clients, but also by the impact you have in the community at large. Have you devoted time and resources to acquiring knowledge of the community’s leaders? Do for-profit businesses and other not-for-profit enterprises know of your work? Have you built relationships with business leaders, academic and religious institutions, and other civic organizations with whom you may consult and/or serve?

 SRS Consulting can help you to bridge the gap between your organization and the community at large, to identify issues of mutual concern, and to advocate the case for change. 

If you see the value of creating or reviewing your business plan, and finding ways to achieve better outcomes, then now is the time to contact Stuart Silver, President of SRS Consulting, Inc., for a no obligation conversation. Call 964-829-1616 or send an email to today.


5 Proven Methods For Non-Profit Fundraising During COVID


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