What We Offer

SRS Consulting offers its knowledge, experience and achievement to businesses which seek to re-visit their vision and mission; to be aspirational in their business plans; to explore new initiatives to fulfill their mission; and to adapt and change their traditional business practices when and where necessary.


Professional Services to
Meet Your Needs


Innovative Business Strategies

We review existing strategies to determine their alignment with goals and objectives. Where appropriate, we suggest new, complementary approaches to achieve better outcomes.


Assessing and Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness

We help assess efficiency and impact, and where appropriate, recommend untraditional/unconventional means to improve upon performance.


Exploring Supplemental Financial Resources 

We assess existing revenue streams, discuss supplemental fundraising efforts, and seek external sources of income from individual, family and corporate Foundations as well as government appropriations.


Community Planning and Outreach

We utilize our contacts within the business, academic, religious and social services sectors, to utilize “best practices” in planning for the future. 


Contact Us

Schedule an appointment to confer on one or more of your issues, questions or concerns.


SRS Consulting Inc.